The P.A.C.E. Clinic at Peninsula Orthopaedic Associates gathers important medical information prior to your surgery, emphasizing anesthesia safety and promoting your ultimate surgical success. This information is utilized to ensure that you are in the best physical condition to undergo surgery. Our overall goal is to minimize your risk of developing complications as a result of orthopaedic surgery or anesthesia. Some patients may be unaware they have a medical condition and as a result, all POA surgical patients are evaluated prior to surgery. This thorough process is in addition to routine evaluations performed by your primary care provider; a copy of your P.A.C.E. Clinic office note will be sent to your primary care provider. Unless an underlying medical problem is identified, the information gathered by the P.A.C.E. team will be the only requirement to proceed with surgery as scheduled.
Peninsula Orthopaedic Associates’ P.A.C.E. Clinic stands for:
Research has shown that many pre- and post-operative complications can be prevented if patients are thoroughly evaluated prior to surgery. For most patients, the idea of surgery can be frightening. However, knowledge is power. The more patients know about what will happen before, during and after their surgery may lead to a reduction in anxiety and ultimately improve surgical outcomes. The pre-operative evaluation process is designed to provide important information that patients need to feel comfortable with the entire surgical experience.
What should I bring to my appointment at the P.A.C.E. Clinic?
You can fax your records to us at: 410-860-4512, Attention: P.A.C.E. Clinic, please call your surgical coordinator to confirm their receipt.
What can I expect during my appointment at the P.A.C.E. Clinic?
During your appointment at the P.A.C.E. Clinic, a Board Certified Nurse Practitioner will:
Will the doctors have enough information to know if I am ready for surgery?
In most cases, if your medical records are complete and updated, your visit will provide your P.A.C.E. Clinic provider with enough information to know if you are ready for surgery. However, sometimes an underlying problem may be identified that needs to be addressed before surgery. When this occurs, arrangements will be made for more testing or consultations as necessary.
Will my surgery be delayed for any reason?
In most cases, surgery will not be delayed. However, even a simple problem like a common cold can increase your surgical risk. Other times, tests may show that an existing medical condition such as high blood pressure or poorly controlled diabetes could adversely affect your surgical outcome.
If you have a poorly-controlled medical condition (e.g. diabetes, hypertension, etc.) that requires additional treatment for medical optimization before surgery, your P.A.C.E. Clinic provider will help coordinate consultations or you may be asked to return to your primary care provider or specialist for further treatment. The P.A.C.E. Clinic will inform you, your surgeon and primary care provider about any conditions that require treatment before surgery. If additional medical optimization is required before surgery, a re-evaluation at the P.A.C.E. Clinic may be necessary for some patients.
What if my medical condition is very complicated or I am not ready for surgery?
Your P.A.C.E. Clinic information becomes part of your medical record. If your P.A.C.E. Clinic provider finds that you are not medically ready for surgery or your medical condition is very complicated, we will discuss your evaluation with your surgeon. Your surgeon can then decide whether surgery is right for you at this time.
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