Dr. Scopp Awarded “Best Rated Abstract” by the International Regeneration & Joint Preservation Society

Dr. Jason Scopp was recently honored by being awarded the “Best Rated Abstract” certificate of achievement by the International Regeneration & Joint Preservation Society (ICRS).  His publication “A 4-year follow up on patients treated with GelrinC for articular cartilage lesions demonstrates substantial and sustainable clinical improvement” led to his recognition during the annual ICRS Summit last week in San Diego, CA featuring bio-orthopaedics in sports medicine.

Dr. Scopp shared, “Awards for clinical studies are a collaborative effort.  I want our staff to know that this is a shared award with all of POA. From the staff the makes the appointments, prepares the patients, orders the tests, coordinates the surgery… none of this is possible without the support of POA.  Excellence in Motion.”

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